What’s included in my Lakewood, CO auto insurance policy?

Unfortunately, accidents happen. When they do, it’s important to have the proper auto insurance coverage.

Premier Group Insurance can help. With offices located in Lakewood, CO and the surrounding areas, their agents break down five must-haves for any auto insurance policy.

Bodily injury liability

This applies to injuries caused by a designated driver or policyholder. Colorado requires a minimum of $25,000 for bodily injury or death to anyone person in an accident and $50,000 total for all persons in any single accident. This is often referred to as "25/50." Although this is the baseline coverage, most agents recommend carrying more to protect personal property and assets.

Medical payments coverage

This reimburses any medical expenses that you or passengers incur during a driving incident. Despite being able to opt-out, any agency must offer a medical payment plan of at least $5,000.

Property damage liability

This covers any destruction or damage that results from an accident. While this usually means another driver’s vehicle, it also applies to mailboxes, fences, buildings, or any other structures you may hit. Colorado mandates at least $15,000 for any lone accident. 

Uninsured motorist coverage

If you are hit by someone with inadequate coverage, this plan kicks in. Like medical payment coverage, the state requires companies to offer this to their customers. While it’s encouraged, you can choose to pass on this coverage.

Collision and comprehensive coverage

Collision insurance pays for damage sustained to your personal car during an accident, while comprehensive coverage protects against theft, vandalism, fire, and other non-collision events. Both are optional under state law and will likely include a deductible.

Set up an appointment with Premier Group Insurance

Serving Lakewood, CO, the agency wants to ensure you are driving safely. Call Premier Group Insurance today to discuss your auto insurance needs.

Does umbrella insurance cover professional liability?

Insurance policies often have existing restrictions. There are areas that may not be covered by these policies. An individual may choose to purchase umbrella insurance as an additional measure to cover these limitations. Umbrella insurance may provide coverage for certain litigation, personal liability, property damage, or injury.

Is it worth getting umbrella coverage?

It is worth taking out umbrella insurance if you have significant assets. If you have more than $500,000 in assets, purchasing umbrella insurance is a good idea. There is a chance that your liability insurance under policies such as homeowners and auto insurance may not cover events and/or situations such as a dog bite, accidental injury to another person, or a car accident. Umbrella insurance protects existing assets as well as future assets. 

Umbrella insurance vs. liability insurance

Umbrella insurance provides increased liability coverage beyond the limitations of an underlying policy. Liability insurance covers the limits of a primary policy.

Can I get umbrella insurance without having car insurance

Even if you do not drive a car, you may qualify for umbrella insurance as long as you have either renters’ or homeowners’ insurance.

Does umbrella insurance cover professional liability?

Malpractice insurance, also known as errors and omissions insurance or professional liability insurance, may cover lawsuits related to professional errors. This can include things like missed deadlines or services not rendered.

Umbrella insurance is an option to cover areas that may not be covered by professional liability insurance. Business Umbrella policies are designed to supplement existing business liability insurance policies and cannot be purchased as a stand-alone policy.

Talk to an expert at Premier Group Insurance serving Lakewood, CO to find out if umbrella insurance is the right option for you.

Who should have a life insurance plan in Lakewood?

When you are in the Lakewood, CO area, you are going to have plenty of different insurance needs. One type of coverage that all people should seriously consider getting is life insurance. This is a valuable form of coverage that can offer a variety of benefits to the policyholders and beneficiaries. There are several reasons that the typical person in this market should continue to get this type of coverage. 

Those with Dependents Need Coverage

A situation when you should have this coverage is when you have dependents. If there are people that rely on you and your source of income, you need to make sure that their financial future is adequately protected. A great way this can be done is by getting life insurance. You can build a plan that is curtailed to ensure their financial needs are met. 

Those Looking for an Investment Alternative

Another advantage of life insurance is that you can use it as a conservative investment alternative. With a whole life plan, some of your monthly payments will build and accrue in an account. This account will grow with interest steadily over the years and can be liquidated or used as a form of loan collateral. This can make it a great addition to your personal investment plan 

People all over the Lakewood, CO area will want to make sure that they get the right insurance in place. If you are looking for a policy in this area, calling Premier Group Insurance is always a good idea. There are a lot of important choices to make when looking for this coverage and Premier Group Insurance can make it easier for you. They can help by carefully assessing your situation and giving any support you need when building your next plan. 

Questions You Should Ask Your Agent When Shopping For Commercial Insurance?

Commercial insurance is important for any type of business – it protects businesses and their owners from financial losses and hefty expenses if something happens. If you are currently shopping for business insurance in Lakewood, CO or another nearby town, here is a list of questions you should ask an insurance agent. The answers to these questions should help you make the right choice:

What Affects The Cost of My Business Insurance?

There are certain factors that have an impact on the cost of business insurance, including the type of business and industry, number of employees, payment plan, and previous claims.

Can I Save Money On My Business Insurance? 

Yes, there are ways to save money on commercial insurance. You can do it by bundling policies, managing risks in your business, and creating a safe working environment. 

Are There Any Discounts Available? 

Often, there are discounts that allow you to reduce the cost of your commercial insurance. You should ask an insurance agent if there are any and if you qualify for them. In most cases, people do not know about the available discounts and make one common mistake – do not ask insurance agents about them. 

How Do I Know What Type of Business Insurance I need?

There are different types of business insurance policies, and your choice should be determined by the location of your business, exposure to risks, type of business operations, and some other factors. 

Premier Group Insurance  – We Will Help You Find a Perfect Policy For Your Business

If you are a business owner running a business in Lakewood, CO or any other surrounding area or town, Premier Group Insurance is ready to help. Depending on the types of your business, company, and budget, our experienced and professional insurance agents will find you a good policy. If there are any questions you want to ask or more information your need to receive, feel free to call us. 

Does my auto insurance cover rental cars

It is that time of year again when thoughts turn to vacation. This means you may want to rent a vehicle when you get to your destination or you may want to rent a vehicle for your great road trip. When you go online to begin your booking, you will find that after you pick your dates, location, and type of vehicle you will start to be questioned about the type of insurance you want to purchase. Premier Group Insurance in Lakewood, CO is dedicated to working for our customers to provide high-level customer service. 

The answer to the question "Does my auto insurance cover rental cars" is not a simple yes or no answer. At best it is maybe. It really depends on the type and amount of insurance you carry. If you have a basic insurance policy with just liability coverage, you probably need to depend on something besides your auto insurance for coverage. If your liability level is one you are comfortable with, you won’t need any additional liability coverage but the CDW (Collision Damage Waiver) will protect the rental car in the event you have an accident. 

If you have a credit card that offers car rental coverage, you can make that your primary coverage. Talk to the credit card company to find out what coverage they offer and if it will give you peace of mind. 

If, however, you have full coverage on your primary vehicle, with collision and comprehensive coverage and your vehicle is relatively new, your auto insurance should provide all the coverage you will need unless you are renting an extremely expensive vehicle. When in doubt, talk to your insurance agent about the level of coverage you have and whether it is enough.

Contact Premier Group Insurance in Lakewood, CO for all your auto insurance needs.

4 Ways in Which Home Insurance Protects You

When you purchase home insurance from Premier Group Insurance, it protects you from incurring out-of-pocket expenses when disasters strike. This means that home insurance won’t prevent risks from occurring, but it lessens your financial burden when perils occur. Unfortunately, some Lakewood, CO homeowners don’t carry home insurance because they are unaware of what it covers or think it’s a waste of money. 

Whichever the reason, they miss on a couple of benefits of home insurance. Here are four ways in which homeowner’s insurance protects you.

Dwelling protection

While you can keep off some perils by locking your doors and investing in home security systems, these measures can only stretch as far. For disasters like hail, falling objects, fire, and others, you need home insurance to protect your home. This way, your home can be rebuilt or repaired when damaged without you using your finances. 

Personal property

Home insurance isn’t all about your building only. It extends to cover personal belongings such as clothing, electronics, furniture, and other assets when lost or damaged. This prevents you from starting from scratch when perils strike the valuables you have spent years accumulating.

Liability protection

Assume the following instances happen. Your son throws a ball and injures your neighbor’s kid. Or perhaps, a guest slips and sustains head injuries while on your premises. While both incidences could be unintentional, you could be held responsible. Thankfully, when you have home insurance, you don’t have to worry about third-party expenses.

Home insurance covers bodily injury, property damage, and legal costs when you are accused of causing harm to other people. 

Additional living expenses coverage

Home insurance ensures that you don’t have to call your friends to look for accommodation when your home is damaged. Instead, home insurance covers costs like hotel food and accommodation as your home undergoes repairs caused by a covered peril.

Buy home insurance today! 

Are you shopping for home insurance in Lakewood, CO? Please contact Premier Group Insurance today for an affordable quote. 

What You Need to Know About Recreational Insurance

Having fun with friends and family outdoors is an important part of your life. Your recreational vehicles help take that fun to the next level. Having your recreational vehicles properly insurance will keep the good times rolling a lot longer. At Premier Group Insurance, serving Lakewood, CO, we want to help you find the best insurance deals. Finding the best deals starts with having great insurance information. Keep reading to find out what you need to know about recreational vehicle insurance. 

What Qualifies As A Recreational Vehicle?

Recreational vehicles can include all-terrain vehicles, golf carts, snowmobiles, campers, RVs, and other items. These are specialty vehicles that are not normally used for transportation purposes. Although these vehicles are not used regularly on the roads, they can still pose a danger to users and others. This is why adequate insurance is a necessity. 

What Does Recreational Vehicle Insurance Cover?

This type of insurance can be customized to suit your particular needs. In general, though, recreational vehicle insurance will cover the following areas:

  • Property damage- This type of coverage is available to reimburse you if your vehicle is damaged or lost due to natural disasters, fire or burglary. This helps to protect the money you have invested in the vehicle. 
  • Liability coverage- If your vehicle is involved in an accident that results in damage to another vehicle or results in injury to a person, liability is there to protect your assets. You can be held personally responsible for expenses that resulted from the incident. 

If you would like to learn more about our services and insurance products, please contact our office at Premier Group Insurance, serving Lakewood, CO. We will be happy to answer your questions and help you find the best insurance products for your needs. 

When should someone get motorhome insurance in Colorado?

The Lakewood, CO area continues to be a fun place to live. Those that are in this area will have access to a major city as well as many amazing national and state parks. To ensure you are able to explore the state as well as possible, investing in a motorhome is a good idea. Along with this, you also need proper insurance. There are a few situations in which you will need to get motorhome insurance here. 

When Driving on Public Road

A situation when you will need to have a motorhome insurance plan is when you are going to drive on a public road. Anyone that owns a motorhome and wants to drive it will need to comply with state driving laws. This will include requiring you to have liability insurance at all times, which will ensure you can pay for any damages that may result from an accident.

When Financing Motorhome

You will also want to have this insurance when you are going to finance the purchase of your motorhome. The purchase price to get a motorhome can be expensive, which may require that you take out a loan to finance it. If you decide to finance the purchase, you will need to comply with your lender’s insurance requirements. This will usually include requiring full comprehensive and collision protection.

When you are in the Lakewood, CO area, it continues to be important to have proper insurance for your motorhome. If you are going to looking for a motorhome insurance plan in this state, speaking with Premier Group Insurance is a great option. The team with Premier Group Insurance knows the value that this insurance coverage provides. They can offer any support you need to understand your needs and options or build and choose an appropriate policy. 

Does RV Insurance Have Limits?

At Premier Group Insurance, we have many customers in and around Lakewood, CO, who own recreational vehicles and wonder if they need high-quality insurance policies. That’s why it is crucial to understand what your policy will cover and what limitations it may have on its overall operation.

What Does Your Policy Not Cover?

Let’s start by discussing what your policy will cover to understand better whether you need to buy one. Things that you will get covered include:

  • Liability in a variety of car accidents
  • Collision coverage if you get into another type of accident
  • Comprehensive troubles that affect the whole vehicle
  • A complete loss that you did not cause
  • Roadside assistance for breakdowns
  • Personal injuries caused to other drivers
  • Full-time habitation if you live in your vehicle

As for what your policy does not cover, this usually accounts for problems you have caused or caused by the vehicle’s regular operation. Just a few things that you can expect your policy not to cover include:

  • Damages you caused by using your RV improperly
  • Problems caused by you mistreating the RV
  • Wear-and-tear concerns caused by operating the RV regularly
  • Concerns that you should have noticed

This last factor covers items like flat tires caused by wear and tear, engine damage caused by age, and other problems you may have triggered. If your insurance company gets wind of you causing any of this damage, you can expect your policy to be null and void almost right away.

Do You Need a Policy?

If you’re still uncertain if your Lakewood, CO RV needs an insurance policy to protect it from damage, make sure to reach out to us at Premier Group Insurance right away to learn more. Our professionals have years of experience helping out people like you and will do what is necessary for your needs.

How To Amend Your Motorcycle Insurance Policy If You Are Planning To Go On A Motorcycle Tour

Premier Group Insurance serves the Lakewood, CO community, as well as the surrounding areas. We offer our clients high-quality policies to help them protect their assets. As an independent insurance agency, we can help you find custom coverage that suits your individual situation.

How Going On A Motorcycle Tour Impacts Your Motorcycle Insurance Coverage

Motorcycle insurance assists you in staying safe on the road as your travel through Lakewood, CO and beyond. The policy covers you if your motorcycle is damaged in a collision. You are also protected if someone steals or vandalizes your motorcycle. If you accidentally damage someone’s property or injure someone, liability coverage protects you if a dispute arises. Motorcycle insurance is a great asset if you are planning to go on a motorcycle tour.

Planning a motorcycle tour is exciting. However, you need to make sure that you have protection in place if something goes wrong while you’re on vacation. If you are riding somewhere that you’ve never been, there are substantial risks. All it takes is one small bump on an unfamiliar road and something can happen. Motorcycle insurance will cover you if an emergency happens. Consider adding natural disaster coverage to your policy if you are traveling somewhere that has inclement weather. You will be covered if your motorcycle is damaged due to a natural disaster.

Consider adding medical emergency coverage to your policy so that you will be protected if you get sick or injured while you are on vacation. If your motorcycle suffers engine failure or another mechanical issue, you’ll need urgent assistance. Your policy should protect you in the event of an emergency.

Premier Group Insurance Can Help You Stay Safe On The Road

Visit our website to learn more information about motorcycle insurance.